Routines and Curriculum


We report to parents throughout the year via the Class Dojo, informal conversations, parent/teacher interviews and Learning Journey folders (which are updated regularly and available to parents at any time). At the end of their year of preschool, each child will be provided with a summative report. This report is also provided to your child’s school to aid with a smooth transition to school.

The evolving program is on display in the foyer area. Educators encourage you to discuss the learning program with your child and seek your input.

Curriculum, pedagogy, assessment and reporting: early childhood services

Daily routines

  • 9am arrival outside play.
  • 9.40am morning group time.
  • Children can access their snacks/recess after group time, during play at a designated area outside.
  • 10am Children’s choice play inside or out – one educator in one out.
  • 11.25am tidy up inside.
  • 12.15pm group time.
  • Lunch outside on mat.
  • Relaxation with dot markers for social distancing. Little Yarns podcast.
  • 1pm Inside play.
  • 2.25pm pack up inside with number lanyards.
  • Get organised for home time.
  • 2.45pm group time.
  • 3pm home time.

Daily routines might be altered depending on changing weather conditions.


All learning opportunities and activities that are offered to your child are linked to The Early Years Learning Framework for Australia. This Framework focuses on five broad learning outcomes

  • Children have a strong sense of identity
  • Children are connected with and contribute to their world
  • Children have a strong sense of wellbeing
  • Children are confident and involved learners
  • Children are effective communicators

Within each of the five broad outcomes there are descriptive key components of learning that children will be working towards. The curriculum and our planning of experiences reflect that all children learn in a variety of ways and vary in their capabilities and pace of learning. Our planned learning experiences are flexible, enabling individual child’s interest and inquiries to be embraced and supported. Individual areas of development are catered for in our program. Our programming and planning of experiences are guided by the children to ensure we provide relevant and intrinsically motivating learning activities.

In early childhood, play is a content for learning that has a big impact on children’s physical, social, emotional, creative, cognitive and communicative development. A large component of our program is nature play based. Play can be individual guided and constructed. With children we engineer the learning environment and experiences to enable your child to learn specific outcomes and goals through various forms of interaction with the environment.

If you would like more information about the Early Years Learning Framework you may wish to visit the following site: Early Years Learning Framework.