What to bring
Children need to bring these items each day.
- Bag to carry all their belongings
- Broad-brimmed hat
- Change of clothes
- Drink bottle containing water only
- Piece of fruit or vegetable for fruit time snacks
- Packed healthy lunch
What to wear
Paracombe Preschool has a uniform which consists of a Navy blue t-shirt with logo and a reversible red/blue hat. Preschool uniforms have proven to provide a child’s sense of belonging to the group.
The uniforms are available from the Paracombe Primary front desk 9.00 – 3.00 weekdays.
- Please ensure your child has a spare change of clothes in their bag, these clothes should be sun smart that cover their shoulders.
- Ensure pants/skirts easily undo for ease of toileting
- Shoes need to be suitable for running and climbing
- Rubber boots (these can be left at preschool)
Please write your child’s name on their belongings.
- We have permanent markers if you need them
What not to bring
Children should not bring these items to Preschool:
- Foods containing nuts (some children within the centre will often have nut allergies)
- Unhealthy foods and drink (lollies, chocolate, chips, fizzy drinks)
- Toys from home
Additional Information
Development Support
Our Preschool works closely with support services to provide programs that support children’s next steps. We have access to advice from;
- Speech
- Psychology
- Special Education
- Social and emotional support
School Transition Program
Paracombe Preschool is a school based preschool, constantly working in partnership with Paracombe Primary School. Preschool children are invited to attend whole school events, such as assemblies and utilise the library. Our continuous transition program is ever evolving, meeting the needs of all children. Educators plan regular incursions, excursions and visits to Preschool and School.
Special Rights
The Department for Education provides support for children which includes Speech support, Hearing Impairment Services, Behaviour Management, Special Education and access to psychologists and referral to other agencies.
If you feel your child needs access to any of these services please see the Teacher or the school Principal.
Arrival and collection of children
In the interest of safety, we ask you that each child be brought right into the Preschool at the beginning of the Preschool day and promptly collected at the end of the Preschool day. All children must be collected by a known adult.